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Our Partners and Supporters

BWHA has partnered with over 100 organizations across the Philadelphia region to ensure that health disparities are eliminated and health education and awareness is spread through programs and events.




Access Matters

African American Museum 

African American United Fund

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc, Omega Omega Chapter  

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc, Rho Theta Chapter

Always Best Care  

American Heart Association 

Association of Black Cardiologist 

BAV Girl Phenomena 

Berachah Baptist Church

Better Health Network 

Black Clergy of Philadelphia

Black Women's Health Imperative 

Breaking the Silence 

Busy Bea Production

Cardiovascular Institute of Philadelphia

Cheyney State University

Christian Stronghold Church

City Council Blondell Reynolds-Brown

City Councilman Curtis Jones 

City Councilman Kenyatta Johnson

Clear Channel Radio Station 


Consumers United for Evidence-Based Healthcare

Delaware Valley Health Care

Deliverance  Baptist Church 

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Philadelphia Alumni Chapter 

Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disabilities 

Diversified Family Services 

Donate to Life 

Drexel University College of Medicine 

Drexel University School of Public Health 

Edna G. Kynett Foundation

Enon Baptist Church

East Parkside Residents Association

Ezekiel Baptist Church 

First District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 

Gaston and Porter Health Improvement Center, Inc  

Genesis Ministers Conference 

Girl You Can Do It

H&R Block Tax Services

Hardy Williams Mastery Charter School  

Hazael Haven

Health Annex

Health Partners 

Health Promotions Council

Healthy Cities Healthy Women 

Hope and Grace Foundation

I Matter!

Impact Services 

Independence Blue Cross

International Caucus of Women of the African Diaspora/ Philadelphia

International Women's Association 

Keystone Mercy Health Plan 

Kingsessing Preventing Anti Drug Anti Violence  Network Program 

LaSalle University  School of Public Health

M&A Enterprises

Management and Environment Technologies, Inc. 

Mayor's Office of Faith Based Organizations Capacity Building Program 


Mercy Douglas Residence 


MIB for Life

Mother Bethel AME Church 

Mothers In Charge 

Mount Olive Church 

Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ 

Mt.Pisgah AME church


National Black Family Preservation Project 

Nebinger Elementary School 

Neuman University

New Covenant Baptist Church 

New Hope Baptist Church 

Office of Minority Health  USDHHS

Open Door mission True Light Church 


Pa Baptist Clergy Women, Inc

Pa Health Access Network (PHAN)

Partnership Comprehensive Care Practice 

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence 

People Emergency Center

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals 

Philadelphia College of Physicians

Philadelphia Council Of Leaders

Philadelphia Department of Recreation 

Philadelphia Foundation

Philadelphia Housing Authority

Philadelphia Strong Families Coalition 

Philadelphia Urban League 

Philly Faith in Action 

Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania 

Positive Women's Network 

Public Health Consultants

Raising Women's Voices 

Rebellious Nurses 

Region 3 Minority Health Equity Counsel 

Sankofa Freedom Charter School

Say Yes to Education 

School of the Future 

State Senator Shirley Kitchen 

Simon Gratz Mastery Charter High  School

Spectrum Health Care  Center 

State Representative Jordan Harris

State Representative Vanessa Brown-Lowery

State Senator Vincent Hughes 

Stop and Surrender 

Temple University  Summer Youth Program 

Temple University Hospital

Ten Thousand Villages   

The Center of Peace 

The Consortium, Inc.  

The Girls Justice League

The Philadelphia Center

The Share Center

The Soweth the Word 

Tindley Temple United Methodist Church 

Triumphant Living Collaboration 

Turning Points for Children

Uhuru Furniture 

United Methodist Church 

United Way of South-Eastern  Pennsylvania 

Universal Companies 

University  of Pennsylvania School of Nursing 

University of Delaware 

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 

University of Pennsylvania Geriatric Medicine 

Upper Darby Municipal Library 

US Dream Academy 

USDHHS Secretary of Health Kathleen Sebelius

Vare Middle School

Wesley AME Zion Church 

West Chester University School of Public Health 

Women Against Abuse

Women's Way

Wordsworth Behavioral Health 

Youth Advocacy Programs, Inc.  

Zion Baptist  Church 

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